Tuesday, April 10, 2012

and another post finally appears

I'm sure at some point I will get back in the habit of regular posting. Good intentions abound, but good follow-through is still hiding in the woods.

The cleaning weeks are over. This does not mean an end to cleaning, as there are still a few more cleaning days scheduled. But it does give a chance to shift focus to other things. Summer prep is in full swing. Jeremy likes to pop his head out of his office and give us the official countdown to workshop. Yesterday he informed me that there were fifty days remaining - using my superior homeschooled counting skills and deductive reasoning, I would infer that this means there are forty-nine days left now. It's not a lot of time.

Last week my family surprised me by appearing on my doorstep in the middle of the night. Three of them spent the week with me. I say spent the week, I mean that they worked the week. They did amazing things like clear trash out of the rink areas (they found forty-two hockey pucks in the woods) and number wristbands.

In even more exciting news: today I got to ride in Camp's new Caddy which Kevin has tricked into running. Here are a couple of pictures which I have shamelessly stolen from Kevin's facebook.

You must look serious while driving the Caddy - it's a rule.


  1. What will happen to the old one?

    1. Exciting things will happen to the old one. Its journey down the highway of life is not yet complete

  2. Does this mean the old caddy will forever be extravagameza'd?
