Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Titles are Important

It's hard to believe that I'm in my fourth week as a student and instructor at Marquette. Time is travelling at the speed of light (metaphorically, not literally - it's an important distinction, I'm an English teacher).

As a TA, I have not yet earned the right to be called Professor. So when my students asked me in class yesterday (I'm not sure why they didn't wonder before) whether to call me "Miss Hendrickson" or "Professor Hendrickson," my answer was clear. Miss is the way to go. In a nice affirmation of our student-teacher rapport, one of my students immediately piped up with an explanation. He said that "Professor Hendrickson" was very solemn and stern and that "that isn't you."

I offered to become solemn and stern. Students immediately asked that it not happen on Friday, which is when they are all turning in their first major assignment. I agreed not to "lower the hammer" (their words, not mine) on Friday and we all continued about our business.

It's nice to get a glimpse, however small, into what they think of me.

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