The summer semester ended with two consecutive exams, both of which I proctored. It's odd to proctor an exam that you are taking. My attention became divided between the process of taking the exams and the responsibilities of proctoring. I needed to track the time, answer questions, and make sure the atmosphere remained test-appropriate (this is otherwise known as poking my head out the door and shushing people in the hallway). It was a weird experience. Also, I'm pretty sure now that the undergrad class figured out that I was a grad student hiding in their midst.
The most interesting thing was that, once I was placed in a position of even slight authority (proctors don't have much), they immediately assumed that I knew far more than I did. They wanted to know if their papers were graded yet and when they would get them back. Obviously not something I know about. I know you need to use the chart on page two to answer the question on page seven. What the professor has done with OUR papers is beyond my scope.
I survived the summer semester. This weekend is the one during which I hoped to be back at Barakel. No car put a definite crimp in that plan. I am spending the weekend alone in Milwaukee. I will finally finish reading Middlemarch (otherwise known as "why is this book so long?")
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