Thursday, October 30, 2014

And a real blog post, for those who are interested

October flashes by quickly. My favorite month, here and gone.

I got to pet goats this week. And pick out a pumpkin. And buy lollipops shaped like roasted chickens to give to my class tomorrow.

My classes this semester are extra challenging. Well, not all of them. One section of the two sections I am teaching is stuffed with the distracted, distracting, obstreperous freshmen that resent any time spent learning and would much rather talk about anything else. I've never before had a student keep an earbud in while I was teaching. Now I've spotted a couple. Not cool, chillens, not cool.

I'm reading Peter Pan for my children's lit. class. It led to JB and I having what I called a fight and he called an intellectual discussion about Peter Pan. I'm pretty sure I won. He hasn't read it, so it's difficult for him to argue with any credibility.

My apartment and I are reaching a peaceful stability, though the bathroom sink is beginning to show an alarming propensity for slow drainage. Beocat spends his days lounging on one piece of furniture or another - because I have furniture now! Well, I have a futon left by the previous tenant, and I have Amanda's double papasan. That's almost exactly like having my own furniture.

This weekend is stuffed with Halloween festivities. I might go to a friend's house tomorrow night, if I'm feeling social. Or, games might happen. On Saturday, I'm hosting a live-action Clue party. Embracing the geek-atmosphere is part of my current ethos. Plus, nothing about live-action Clue sounds unfun - especially when I'm running it, so I basically get to sit back and watch everyone else.

I'll write more as I can. I always tend to blog more when I have papers due. Blogging is the purest form of procrastination.

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