Thursday, May 16, 2013

Driving home earned me a lovely driver's tan. I've been away from Milwaukee for a week now and I am starting to feel like a real person again.

My reading list for the summer is made and I am thrilled to have time to read again. Not quite for fun, since I'm reading things to prepare for the MA exam next year, but I like literature. If I didn't like it, then I would be in the wrong life trajectory. A friend has kindly agreed to read at least some of these books with me and we've begun reading Pamela by Samuel Richardson. There have been three attempted ravishings of the titular character so far and I'm only a sixth of the way through. Ah, eighteenth-century morality tales, you are so strangely obvious yet twisted.

One of the problems with living in a different state is that there is always too much to do when I get back home. I've made a quick jaunt to Auburn Hills, spent some time in Ann Arbor, and am heading back to Litchfield for a second weekend before heading to Barakel on Tuesday. I have many homes, a life divided.